Monday, January 07, 2013

Yes, Yes, I have internet connection. Time to update the blog. This is the beach at Placencia. I hope to spend some time in the sun, minus the rain. However, my Canadian friends, one does not have to shovel sand. I went to the gym this morning, almost died. Lots of weight training inside and then to the beach for running, sit-ups and push-ups. My trainer Tony of Tony's Gym was very patient with me. And yes I am going to go back tomorrow.

I love these signs along the sidewalk. There are many shops along this walk. It is one street over from the main street.

This was my lunch on Friday of last week at the "De Tatch Cafe" on the beach, next to Tony's Gym. Two Lighthouse beers and Fish and Chips, more like fish fingers. Very tasty, $13.00 US. I was hungry and dove in before I remembered I was supposed to take a picture, oops.

THE PICKLED PARROT, my favorite bar so far. Eugene and wife Lynn make you feel most welcome and took me with them last night to another bar by the airport, "The Flying Pig". I am sure I will be taking a lot more pictures there and eating lots. The food, cooked by Lynn herself, is very good. This is the home of the famous "Parrot Piss". Very toxic I hear, and the record holder is six, and I am told the gentleman was wasted. Jody, don't go there, well maybe one.

Ya just can't beat a cheeseburger and home cut french fries. Yummy!

Cheeseburger Platter at the Pickled Parrot Bar
With a beer of course! I was drinking Lighthouse since I arrived and this was my first Belikin beer. The jury is still out on that one. I guess I will have to try a few more, yes maybe a few more.

These two pics were taken on the other side of Placencia, the Lagoon side. Very tropical.

I'm running out of pictures. I need to take some more, after the rain stops, after a beer or two.




  1. Love the pictures of the signs, they will make a great memory collage. Parrot Piss eh, no Jody, don't go there!!! At least not until week 3, lol. Enjoy your day. xoxo HJB

  2. Hi Jody, not sure if your getting my posts. I don't see them posted after I send them???? Let me know if you get this one. Your pictures are great hope your having a great time.

    1. Hi B: Yes I am getting your posts. I am having the trip of a lifetime, for sure.

  3. Larry and Phoebe say stay away from Parrot piss, lol. Love the pictures...the beaches are beautiful!...Enjoy!

    1. Larry, I have been good so far, however, I feel my willpower going..... P.S. No Malaria so far, he he
