Thursday, January 10, 2013

In order to maintain this blog, I have to keep on my toes, I'm not sure how many at a time. I just realized that I had lunch the other day and I forgot to write down what I had to eat, however, I did remember to take a picture or two. And I do remember what I had. Very good, actually, I can honestly say that I have not had a bad meal yet, have eaten everything on my plate every time.

This restaurant is called "The Purple Space Monkey" and is located not far from where I am staying and I had lunch. I had walked past it the day before and they had a chicken curry wrap on special and the mention of curry, (which I love) beckoned me in their direction.

Chicken curry wrap, fries, a dab of ketchup and a Lighthouse beer, "Priceless".

My kind of beer,  tropical flower centerpiece and a shell toothpick holder.

Most restaurants are open air, not closed in. Just sit back and relax and enjoy the scenery.

This must be the purple space monkey, not really purple, but is out in open space, hence spacemonkey. Something like my friend "Jerry", and I'm talking about you Jerry.


  1. Looks like there are a lot or restaurants to chose from. The names of them are great. It never looks like it's sunny there????Heather

    1. Yes, lots more to try. It was rainy and overcast when I first got here. But has been beautiful the last couple of days. You can only lay out at the beach for a short time. Rays are very strong. Even when it rains it is beautiful here.
