Friday, January 25, 2013

Hello, yes I am alive and still kicking. Due to the fact that I did not do much of anything for two weeks, unless it was lifting my arm to have a drink of beer, I decided to do some things this week. On Monday I booked a tour to Monkey River, but due to the weather (rain) it was postponed. On my way back some friends invited me to go Zip Lining. Now number one, I am extremely afraid of heights, and number two I said why not? You know the saying "When in Belize or is that Rome, do as they do, or something like that. So, here goes, I'm soon to be 59 and scared to death of heights and asked to go Zip Lining in the jungle and I said "Hell Yes". A Zip Lining Virgin, I am no more.

The morning started with champagne and orange juice, I believe they call it Mamossa. Then the drive to the Park (there is an entry fee) and then to have lunch and beers before the zipping.

As I said there were beers, maybe that is why my height fear went away?

And we're off up the hill and steep climb up to where we will start, after all the zip lines are way up there.

This was my main man "Ronald", zip guide, and there are two, one to send you off and one to sort of catch you on the other side. He gave me a kiss on the first run, as I told him if I am going to die before I get to the other side, I want one last kiss. And being the nice guy that he was, he gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

Getting all geared up, adrenaline starting to rush. Actually this part was quite fun.

OK I'm ready to go, only a chicken would leave now, and "Mamma didn't raise no quitter".

I'm taking a short break, cashews and a beer, then I will post the zip pics.


  1. Jody great to see that you did the zip line. Can't wait to see the pictures. Very cold here. Have fun Heather.

  2. I am so not looking forward to the cold weather. Lucky you will be getting some sun soon.

  3. Good for you, I would love to try zip lining but after nearly getting killed parasailing I think I will keep my feet on the ground, lol. Heather (Breau)
